Hello again, NG users! I'm OneDude, and, as you might have seen around the site, I've been advertising my new art collab happening right now: Creature Collab 2022! If you somehow haven't seen much about it yet, want to know more, or want to participate, check out this newspost for more info! We are well over 45+ members, but the more the merrier!
Now, I want to keep this brief, but it seems like lightning has struck again. Happening upon a certain set of circumstances, the collaboration's project is now in need of a new programmer. There's no large feat that must be accomplished here; This is a simple project, so I assume there is not much that needs to be done in terms of coding. As of right now, only a mockup and a few progress videos exist of the project, so If you are interested, leave a message below, or send me a DM! I would love to work with a person smart enough to help me on the programming side of this collab haha.
Thank you for your time! I'll be sure to respond as fast as I can to whoever inquires!
I might know a guy. What is the type of program you’re trying to make?
I suppose the best way to put it would be an interactive gallery? The basic scope is that it would showcase all creatures submitted, and by hovering over each, it would display its name followed by the user's name with an embedded link to their NG account.